Here come the lovely sunny days, inevitably accompanied by high pollen counts and all the usual miserable symptoms of reactive skin.
For those prone to hay fever or allergies - as so many of us with sensitive skin are - the spring and summer months can mean constantly streaming eyes, blocked nose, headaches, tiredness, itchy rashes, and constant sneezing.

- Use fans, cool water spritzes, or damp cloths on the eyes to cool yourself down - but don’t forget to moisturise afterwards with some gentle unfragranced balm
- Smear a fine layer of Skin Salvation around your eyes and nose to trap pollen, reducing the amount that gets through to your bloodstream. It'll also act as a gentle barrier to protect sore skin from tears and sneezes
- When outside, wear large sunglasses to help protect your eyes from enviromental allergens
- Close windows and dry laundry inside to keep your home and clothes as pollen-free as possible
- If your skin is feeling hot and bothered on arms or legs exposed to airborne grass seeds or pollen, try a generous application of Balmonds Cooling Cream at regular intervals throughout the day
- Allergens can be picked up on clothes and hair, so take a lukewarm shower and change your clothes as soon as you get home
- Find the right antihistamine: what works for your friends might not work for you, so ask your pharmacist for advice and try a few different ones
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